Top 100+ Linux Commands You MUST Know

Linux commands are the backbone of any Linux user’s toolkit. It offers a gateway to efficient file management and system administration.

My journey with Linux began with a curiosity to explore its powerful command-line interface, but as I delved deeper, I understood that mastering these commands not only unlocked the full potential of Linux but also changed the way I use my machine.

In my opinion, proficiency in Linux commands is not just a skill but a necessity, as mastering these commands opens doors to endless possibilities.

Top 100 Linux Commands You MUST Know

With that being said, here I have prepared a list of the most useful and most frequently used Linux commands.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started –

Linux Commands for File Management

File management is a fundamental aspect of working with any operating system, and Linux offers a robust set of commands to handle files and directories efficiently.

cd command

The cd command, short for “change directory,” is crucial for navigating your Linux file system. It allows you to switch between different directories to access files and perform operations.


cd [options] [directory_name]


  • options are optional flags used to modify the behavior of the command. Some common options include:
Go to the previous directory you were in.
..Go up one directory level.
~Go to your home directory.
  • directory_name: It is the name of the directory you want to switch to. You can specify full paths (e.g., /home/user/Documents) or relative paths (e.g., ../data).

pwd command

The pwd command in Linux is used to print the full path of the current working directory. It helps users to know their current location in the filesystem.


pwd [options]


  • options are optional flags to modify the command’s behavior.
    • -L: Displays the logical path, including symbolic links.
    • -P: Displays the physical path, resolving symbolic links to their directory paths.

ls command

ls is a ubiquitous command that allows you to list the contents of a directory.


ls [options] [directory_name]


  • [options] are flags to modify the output (e.g., -l for detailed information, -a for hidden files)
  • [directory_name] specifies the directory to list (optional)

mkdir command

In Linux and Unix-like operating systems, the mkdir command is used to create new directories (folders) within your file system. This is essential for organizing your files and keeping them structured.


mkdir [options] [directory_name]


  • [options]: Optional flags to modify the behavior of the command.
  • [directory_name]: The name or path of the directory you want to create. It can be a relative path (new_folder) or an absolute path (/home/user/new_folder).

rmdir command

The rmdir command is used to remove empty directories from the Linux file system. If the directory contains files or subdirectories, it will not be removed, and an error will be displayed.


rmdir [options] [directory_name]


  • [options] are optional flags, such as --ignore-fail-on-non-empty to ignore errors when directories are not empty.
  • <code>[directory_name] is the name of the directory to be removed.

rm command

The rm command is used to remove files or directories. Unlike rmdir, rm can delete both empty and non-empty directories when used with the correct options.


rm [options] [file_name/directory_name]


  • [options] include -r for recursive deletion (used for directories) and -f to force deletion without prompting.
  • [file_name/directory_name] is the name of the file or directory to delete.

touch command

The touch command is primarily used to create empty files. It can also update the timestamp of existing files.


touch [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -a changing access time and -m modifying the timestamp.
  • [file_name] is the name of the file to create or modify.

cp command

The cp command is used to copy files and directories from one location to another.


cp [options] [source] [destination]


  • [options] include -r for copying directories recursively and -u to only copy updated files.
  • [source] is the file or directory to copy, and [destination] is the target location.

mv command

The mv command in Unix and Linux is used to move or rename files and directories. By specifying the source file and destination, mv either relocate the file to a new directory or rename it within the same directory.


mv [options] [source] [destination]


  • [options] include -i to prompt before overwriting and -u only to move updated files.
  • [source] is the file or directory to move, and [destination] is the target location or new name.

find command

The find command is used to search for files or directories in a directory hierarchy based on various criteria such as name, size, type, or permissions.


find [path] [expression]


  • [path]: The directory to start the search (default is the current directory .).
  • [expression]: Criteria like -name, -type, -size, etc.

locate command

The locate command searches for files using a pre-built database (maintained by updatedb), making it faster than find command.


locate [pattern]


  • [pattern]: The name or partial name of the file to search for.

tree command

The tree command displays the contents of a directory in a tree-like structure, showing the hierarchical relationship between files and folders.


tree [options] [path]


  • [options]: Flags to modify the output, such as -L for limited depth.
  • [path]: The directory to display (default is the current directory).

basename command

The basename command extracts the filename from a full path.


basename [path] [suffix]


  • [path]: The full path of the file.
  • [suffix]: Optional string to remove from the end of the filename.

dirname command

The dirname command extracts the directory path from a full file path.


dirname [path]


  • [path]: The full path of the file.

stat command

The stat command displays detailed information about a file, including size, permissions, modification time, and more.


stat [file_name]


  • [file_name]: The name of the file to inspect.

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Linux Commands for Viewing and Editing Files

cat command

The cat command is used to display the contents of a file, combine multiple files, or create new files.


cat [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -n to number lines and -E to show end-of-line characters.
  • [file_name] is the file to display or concatenate.

nano command

The nano command is a text editor that allows you to view and edit files directly in the terminal.


nano [file_name]


  • [file_name] is the file to open or create for editing.

vim command

The vim command is another powerful text editor in Linux. It offers extensive features for code editing and customization.


vim [file_name]


  • [file_name] is the file to open or edit using vim.

head command

The head command displays the first few lines of a file, making it useful for quickly viewing file headers.


head [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -n [number] specifying the number of lines to display.
  • [file_name] is the file to read.

tail command

The tail command shows the last few lines of a file, which helps monitor log files.


tail [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -f following file updates in real-time.
  • <code>[file_name] is the file to read.

tac command

The tac command displays the contents of a file in reverse order, with the last line appearing first and the first line appearing last.


tac [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -s to specify a separator other than a new line.
  • [file_name] is the file to be displayed in reverse order.

less command

The less command allows you to view file content one screen at a time, enabling easy navigation.


less [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -N display line numbers and -S horizontal scrolling.
  • [file_name] is the file you want to view.

more command

The more command displays file content one screen at a time, similar to less.


more [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -d to display navigation instructions and -c to repaint the screen on each scroll.
  • [file_name] is the file you want to view.

gedit command

The gedit command is a graphical text editor used for creating and editing text files.


gedit [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include --new-window to open a new window and --standalone run without GNOME services.
  • [file_name] is the file you want to create or edit.

wc command

The wc command counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file.


wc [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -l to count lines, -w to count words, and -c to count characters.
  • [file_name] is the file to analyze.

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Linux Commands for Permissions and Ownership

chmod command

The chmod command is used to change file permissions in Linux, defining who can read, write, or execute files.


chmod [permissions] [file_name]


  • [permissions] can be numeric (e.g., 755) or symbolic (e.g., u+x to add execute permission for the owner).
  • [file_name] is the file or directory to modify.

chown command

The chown command changes the ownership of a file or directory.


chown [options] [owner][:group] [file_name]


  • [options] include -R applying changes recursively to directories.
  • [owner] is the new owner, and [group] is the new group (optional).

umask command

The umask command sets the default file permissions for newly created files and directories by subtracting the mask value from the system’s default permissions.


umask [options] [mask_value]


  • [options] include -S to display the mask in symbolic notation.
  • [mask_value] is the permission mask to apply, typically in octal format.

lsattr command

The lsattr command displays the attributes of files and directories, which control specific behaviors such as immutability.


lsattr [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -d to list attributes of directories and -R for recursive listing.
  • [file_name] is the file or directory whose attributes you want to display.

chattr command

The chattr command changes the attributes of files and directories, affecting their behavior, such as making them immutable.


chattr [options] [attributes] [file_name]


  • [options] include -R applying changes recursively to directories.
  • [attributes] are the attribute flags to set, such as +i for immutability.
  • [file_name] is the file or directory whose attributes you want to modify.

Linux Commands for Disk Usage and Management

df command

The df command displays the disk space usage of file systems, including available and used space.


df [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -h for human-readable output and -T to display the file system type.
  • [file_name] specifies a particular file or directory to analyze its file system.

du command

The du command shows the disk usage of files and directories, including their sizes.


du [options] [file_name]


  • [options] include -h human-readable sizes and -a display all files.
  • [file_name] specifies the file or directory to analyze.

mount command

The mount command mounts a file system, making it accessible for use.


mount [options] [device] [mount_point]


  • [options] include -o for mounting with specific options like read-only (ro).
  • [device] is the storage device to be mounted.
  • [mount_point] is the directory where the file system will be accessible.

umount command

The umount command unmounts a file system, detaching it from the system.


umount [options] [device_or_mount_point]


  • [options] include -f to force unmount and -l for lazy unmounting.
  • [device_or_mount_point] is the mounted device or directory to unmount.

fsck command

The fsck command checks and repairs a file system for errors or inconsistencies.


fsck [options] [file_system]


  • [options] include -y automatically repair errors and -a automatic checks.
  • [file_system] is the specific file system to check.

blkid command

The blkid command locates and displays block device attributes such as UUID and file system type.


blkid [options] [device]


  • [options] include -o for output format and -s to display specific attributes.
  • [device] is the block device to analyze.

lsblk command

The lsblk command lists information about block devices, including their hierarchy and attributes.


lsblk [options]


  • [options] include -f to display file system details and -a for all devices.

mkfs command

The mkfs command creates a new file system on a device.


mkfs [options] [file_system_type] [device]


  • [options] include -t specifying the file system type.
  • [file_system_type] is the type of file system to create, such as ext4 or xfs.
  • [device] is the block device where the file system will be created.

parted command

The parted command partitions a disk, allowing you to create, resize, or delete partitions.


parted [options] [device]


  • [options] include -l to list partitions and -s for scripting mode.
  • [device] is the disk to partition.

fdisk command

The fdisk command partitions a disk interactively, enabling detailed control over partition tables.


fdisk [options] [device]


  • [options] include -l to list partitions and -u for sector unit display.
  • [device] is the disk to partition.

Linux Commands for Process Management

ps command

The ps command lists the running processes on the system, providing information like process ID, terminal, CPU usage, and memory usage. It is commonly used to check the status of specific processes or troubleshoot issues.


ps [options]


  • [options] include -e to display all processes and -f for full details.

top command

The top command displays real-time system processes, showing resource usage like CPU and memory. It provides dynamic updates, making it useful for monitoring system performance.


top [options]


  • [options] include -u to filter by a specific user and -n to limit the number of iterations.

htop command

The htop command is an interactive process viewer that allows users to monitor and manage processes using an intuitive interface. It displays color-coded resource usage, and processes can be killed or prioritized directly from the interface.


htop [options]


  • [options] include -d to set the delay between updates and -u to filter by a user.

kill command

The kill command terminates a process by specifying its process ID (PID). It can send different signals, with the default being SIGTERM to request a graceful termination.


kill [options] [PID]


  • [options] include -9 for forced termination.
  • [PID] is the ID of the process to terminate.

killall command

The killall command terminates all processes that match a specified name. It is useful for ending multiple instances of a program simultaneously.


killall [options] [process_name]


  • [options] include -u to kill the processes of a specific user.
  • [process_name] is the name of the process to terminate.

jobs command

The jobs command lists all active background jobs in the current shell session. It displays job IDs, statuses, and associated commands.


jobs [options]


  • [options] include -l to show process IDs.

fg command

The fg command brings a background job to the foreground, resuming its execution in the terminal. It is typically used with a job ID to specify which job to foreground.


fg [job_ID]


  • [job_ID] is the identifier of the background job to bring to the foreground.

bg command

The bg command resumes a stopped job in the background, allowing the terminal to be free for other tasks. It is often used to continue paused processes.


bg [job_ID]


  • [job_ID] is the identifier of the job to resume in the background.

nice command

The nice command starts a process with a specified priority level, allowing resource allocation to be adjusted. Lower priority levels are “nicer” to other processes, reducing their resource usage.


nice [options] [command]


  • [options] include -n to set the priority value.
  • [command] is the program or script to execute.

renice command

The renice command changes the priority of a running process, modifying its resource allocation. It can target processes by PID, user, or group.


renice [priority] [options]


  • [priority] is the new priority value to assign.
  • [options] include -p to specify a PID or -u for a user.

Linux Command for Networking

ping command

The ping command tests connectivity to a host by sending ICMP echo requests and measuring response times. It helps diagnose network connectivity issues.


ping [options] [host]


  • [options] include -c to limit the number of pings and -i to set the interval between pings.
  • [host] is the IP address or domain to test.

ifconfig command

The ifconfig command displays or configures network interfaces on a system. It has been largely replaced by the ip command in modern systems.


ifconfig [interface] [options]


  • [interface] specifies the network interface to configure.
  • [options] include up enabling the interface and down disabling it.

ip command

The ip command manages IP addresses, routes, and interfaces, providing detailed network configuration options. It is the modern replacement for ifconfig.


ip [options] [object]


  • [options] include addr to display IP addresses and link for interface details.
  • [object] specifies the type of network entity to manage, such as address or route.

netstat command

The netstat command displays network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics. It is useful for monitoring network activity and diagnosing issues.


netstat [options]


  • [options] include -a to show all connections and -r for the routing table.

ss command

The ss command provides detailed network statistics, including active connections and listening ports. It is faster and more efficient than netstat.


ss [options]


  • [options] include -t to show TCP connections and -l for listening ports.

traceroute command

The traceroute command shows the route packets take to reach a host, including the delay at each hop. It is used to troubleshoot network routing issues.


traceroute [options] [host]


  • [options] include -n to disable hostname resolution and -m to set the maximum hops.
  • [host] is the IP address or domain to trace.

curl command

The curl command transfers data to or from a server using various protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, and SFTP. It is commonly used for testing APIs and downloading files.


curl [options] [URL]


  • [options] include -O saving the file and -I fetching only the headers.
  • [URL] is the address of the server or file to access.

wget command

The wget command downloads files from the web using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP. It supports resuming downloads and recursive retrieval.


wget [options] [URL]


  • [options] include -c resuming a download and -r recursive downloading.
  • [URL] is the address of the file to download.

scp command

The scp command securely copies files between systems using SSH. It ensures encrypted file transfers for enhanced security.


scp [options] [source] [destination]


  • [options] include -r copying directories and -P specifying an SSH port.
  • [source] is the file or directory to copy.
  • [destination] is the target location for the copy.

rsync command

The rsync command synchronizes files between systems, supporting incremental file transfers and compression. It is highly efficient for backups and mirroring.


rsync [options] [source] [destination]


  • [options] include -a for archive mode and -z for compression.
  • [source] is the file or directory to synchronize.
  • [destination] is the target location for synchronization.

Linux Command for User Management

who command

The who command shows a list of users currently logged into the system, along with their login times and terminals. It helps monitor system usage.


who [options]


  • [options] include -a to display all available information and -q to show only the user count.

w command

The w command displays a detailed overview of who is logged in and what they are doing, including their processes and resource usage. It provides system load averages as well.


w [options]


  • [options] include -h to hide the header and -u to show the idle time.

whoami command

The whoami command displays the username of the current user. It is commonly used to confirm the active user in a session.



id command

The id command displays the current user’s ID, group ID, and supplementary group information. It is useful for verifying user permissions and group memberships.


id [options] [username]


  • [options] include -u for user ID only and -g for group ID only.
  • [username] specifies a user to query (optional).

adduser command

The adduser command adds a new user to the system, creating their home directory and setting


adduser [options] [username]


  • [options] include --home to specify a custom home directory and --shell to set a default shell.
  • [username] is the name of the new user to add.

useradd command

The useradd command is an alternative way to add a new user to the system, typically used in scripting or non-interactive environments. Unlike adduser, it doesn’t automatically create home directories or set default files.


useradd [options] [username]


  • [options] include -m creating a home directory and -s specifying the shell.
  • [username] is the name of the new user to add.

passwd command

The passwd command is used to change the password of a user. It can also set password expiration policies for improved security.


passwd [options] [username]


  • [options] include -l locking the account and -u unlocking it.
  • [username] specifies the user whose password is to be changed.

deluser command

The deluser command deletes a user from the system, optionally removing their home directory and files. It is typically used to clean up inactive or unnecessary accounts.


deluser [options] [username]


  • [options] include --remove-home deleting the user’s home directory.
  • [username] is the name of the user to delete.

groupadd command

The groupadd command adds a new group to the system. It is useful for organizing users into groups with shared permissions.


groupadd [options] [group_name]


  • [options] include -g specifying the group ID and -f force the creation if the group already exists.
  • [group_name] is the name of the new group.

groups command

The groups command shows the groups a user belongs to. It is useful for verifying group memberships and ensuring proper permissions.


groups [username]


  • [username] is the name of the user whose groups are to be displayed (optional).

Linux Command for Package Management

Debian-Based Systems Commands

Debian-based systems are widely used for their stability and flexibility, with powerful package management tools to simplify software installation, removal, and updates. The package management system relies on commands like apt-get, apt, and dpkg to handle packages and dependencies, ensuring smooth operation and efficient system maintenance. These commands allow users to easily manage software and customize their system to meet specific needs. Check the Package Management Linux Command for the Debian-based systems:

apt-get command

The apt-get command is used to install, remove, and update packages on Debian-based systems. It is a powerful tool for package management, especially for system-wide operations.


apt-get [options] [command]


  • [options] include -y to automatically confirm actions and -q for quiet mode.
  • [command] includes actions like install, remove, and upgrade.

apt command

The apt command is a modern alternative to apt-get managing packages on Debian-based systems. It combines several functionalities, offering a more user-friendly interface.


apt [options] [command]


  • [options] include -y to confirm actions and -q for quiet output.
  • [command] includes actions like install, remove, and update.

dpkg command

The dpkg command is used to manage individual Debian packages at a lower level, such as installing, removing, or querying package details. It is often used in conjunction with <code>.deb package files.


dpkg [options] [command]


  • [options] include -i to install a package and -r to remove it.
  • [command] includes actions like -l for listing installed packages and -s for querying package status.

Red Hat-Based Systems Commands

yum command

The yum command is used for package management on Red Hat-based systems, allowing users to install, remove, and update packages. It also manages package dependencies automatically.


yum [options] [command]


  • [options] include -y to automatically confirm actions and -q for quiet output.
  • [command] includes actions like install, remove, and update.

dnf command

The dnf command is a modern alternative to yum, providing better performance and more features. It is the default package manager on newer Red Hat-based systems.


dnf [options] [command]


  • [options] include -y for automatic confirmation and -q for quiet mode.
  • [command] includes actions like install, remove, and update.

rpm command

The rpm command is used to manage individual RPM packages on Red Hat-based systems. It can install, uninstall, and query packages, but lacks the automatic dependency resolution yum and dnf.


rpm [options] [command]


  • [options] include -i to install a package and -e to remove it.
  • [command] includes actions like -q for querying packages and -V for verifying packages.

Generic Commands

snap command

The snap command is used to manage Snap packages, which are self-contained applications that work across various Linux distributions. It simplifies software installation and updates.


snap [options] [command]


  • [options] include install to install Snap packages and remove to uninstall them.
  • [command] includes actions like list for showing installed snaps and refresh for updating snaps.

flatpak command

The flatpak command is used to manage Flatpak applications, which are containerized software packages that can run across different Linux distributions. It provides a standardized approach to application installation.


flatpak [options] [command]


  • [options] include install to install applications and uninstall to remove them.
  • [command] includes actions like list to display installed Flatpak apps and update to update them.

Linux Commands for System Monitoring

uptime command

The uptime command shows how long the system has been running, including the current time, system uptime, and load averages. It helps monitor system performance and the time since the last reboot.


uptime [options]


  • [options] include -p to display a human-readable format for uptime.

free command

The free command displays memory usage, showing total, used, free, and available memory on the system. It also provides details about swap space usage.


free [options]


  • [options] include -h for human-readable format and -t to show total memory (RAM + swap).

vmstat command

The vmstat command reports information about system performance, including memory, CPU, I/O, and swap usage. It is useful for diagnosing performance issues and analyzing system resources.


vmstat [options] [delay] [count]


  • [options] include -s for displaying system statistics and -m for memory statistics.
  • [delay] is the time interval between reports, and count is the number of reports to generate.

iostat command

The iostat command displays CPU and I/O statistics, including device utilization and throughput. It helps in monitoring the performance of CPU and storage subsystems.


iostat [options] [device]


  • [options] include -c to display CPU statistics and -d for disk statistics.
  • [device] specifies a particular storage device (optional).

sar command

The sar command monitors system activity, collecting and displaying performance data for various system resources. It provides insights into CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.


sar [options] [interval] [count]


  • [options] include -u for CPU utilization and -r for memory usage.
  • [interval] defines the time between each report, and count specifies the number of reports.

dmesg command

The dmesg command displays kernel messages, including boot-up logs and hardware-related events. It is useful for troubleshooting hardware issues and monitoring system initialization.


dmesg [options]


  • [options] include -T to display timestamps and -l to filter by log level.

Linux Commands for Archiving and Compression

tar command

The tar command is used to archive files and directories into a single file, often for easier storage or transfer. It can also compress files when combined with other utilities like gzip or bzip2.


tar [options] [archive_name] [files]


  • [options] include -c for creating an archive, -x for extracting, and -f to specify the archive file name.
  • [archive_name] is the name of the resulting archive, and [files] are the files or directories to be archived.

gzip command

The gzip command is used to compress files, reducing their size using the GZIP compression algorithm. It is commonly used tar to create compressed archives.


gzip [options] [file]


  • [options] include -d for decompressing and -k to keep the original file.
  • [file] is the file to compress.

gunzip command

The gunzip command is used to decompress .gz files, restoring them to their original state. It works by reversing the compression done by gzip.


gunzip [options] [file]


  • [options] include -c to output to stdout and -k to keep the original file.
  • [file] is the .gz file to decompress.

zip command

The zip command compresses files and directories into a .zip archive, widely used for packaging multiple files into a single compressed file. It supports encryption and password protection.


zip [options] [archive_name] [files]


  • [options] include -r to compress directories recursively and -e to encrypt the archive.
  • [archive_name] is the name of the resulting .zip file, and [files] are the files or directories to compress.

unzip command

The unzip command extracts files from a .zip archive, allowing you to access the contents. It is commonly used for decompressing .zip files downloaded from the web.


unzip [options] [archive_name]


  • [options] include -l to list the contents and -d to specify the destination directory.
  • [archive_name] is the .zip archive to extract.

xz command

The xz command compresses files using the XZ compression format, which provides high compression ratios. It is often used for compressing large files or directories.


xz [options] [file]


  • [options] include -d for decompressing and -k to keep the original file.
  • [file] is the file to compress.

7z command

The 7z command is used to compress files using the 7-Zip compression format, known for its high compression ratio. It supports a variety of formats for both compression and extraction.


7z [options] [archive_name] [files]


  • [options] include -<code>a for creating an archive and -<code>x for extracting files.
  • [archive_name] is the name of the resulting archive, and [files] are the files or directories to compress.

Linux Commands for Search and Text Processing

grep command

The grep command is used to search for specific patterns within files, displaying matching lines. It supports regular expressions, allowing for powerful and flexible search capabilities.


grep [options] [pattern] [file]


  • [options] include -i for case-insensitive search and -r for recursive search in directories.
  • [pattern] is the search string or regular expression, and [file] is the file or directory to search in.

awk command

The awk command is a powerful text processing tool used for analyzing and manipulating text files, typically structured in columns. It supports complex pattern scanning and processing, often used for reports or data extraction.


awk [options] 'program' [file]


  • [options] include -F to specify the field separator and -v to set variables.
  • [program] is the AWK script to run, and [file] is the input file to process.

sed command

The sed command is a stream editor used for modifying text in files or streams, supporting functions like substitution, deletion, and insertion. It is often used for automated text transformations in scripts.


sed [options] 'command' [file]


  • [options] include -i for in-place editing and -e to specify multiple commands.
  • [command] defines the sed action (e.g., substitution or deletion), and [file] is the file to edit.

sort command

The sort command arranges the lines in a file or stream in a specified order, such as ascending or descending. It supports sorting by numeric or lexicographic values and can handle multiple columns.


sort [options] [file]


  • [options] include -n for numerical sorting and -r for reverse order.
  • [file] is the file or stream to sort.

uniq command

The uniq command filters out consecutive duplicate lines in a file or stream, often used in conjunction with sort to remove repeated entries. It helps in reducing redundant data in output.


uniq [options] [file]


  • [options] include -c counting duplicates and -d showing only duplicate lines.
  • [file] is the file or stream to process.

cut command

The cut command extracts specific fields or columns from text files or streams, based on a delimiter. It is useful for extracting structured data like CSV files or logs.


cut [options] [file]


  • [options] include -d to specify the delimiter and -f to specify which fields to extract.
  • [file] is the file or stream to process.

diff command

The diff command compares two files line by line, showing differences between them. It is commonly used to identify changes in configuration files or source code.


diff [options] [file1] [file2]


  • [options] include -u for unified format and -c for context format.
  • [file1] and [file2] are the files to compare.

cmp command

The cmp command compares two files byte by byte, useful for detecting differences at a binary level. It reports the first byte and line where the files differ.


cmp [options] [file1] [file2]


  • [options] include -b for byte-by-byte comparison and -l to display all differing bytes.
  • [file1] and [file2] are the files to compare.

tee command

The tee command reads from standard input and writes to both standard output and one or more files, allowing for the simultaneous capture and display of output. It is often used in pipelines to save command results.


tee [options] [file]


  • [options] include -a to append output to the file and -i for case-insensitive operation.
  • [file] is the file or files to which output is redirected.

Top 100 Linux Commands PDF Download

We’ve created a Linux Command Handbook for our readers, providing a curated list of the Top 100 Linux Commands to help you navigate and master the Linux environment with ease. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this PDF covers the most essential and powerful commands to enhance your workflow and productivity.

Feel free to check out the Top 100 Linux Commands PDF, and download it for free. Keep this handy guide with you to quickly reference commands whenever needed and accelerate your Linux journey.

Closing Comments

The 100 Linux commands discussed in this article are fundamental tools for file management, text processing, system monitoring, and network management. Understanding and effectively utilizing these commands can significantly enhance your efficiency in managing Linux systems and automating tasks. Whether you are working with package management, system resources, or comparing files, these commands provide essential functionality for both routine operations and advanced system administration tasks. Mastery of these commands is crucial for anyone looking to work proficiently within a Linux environment.

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Authored by Rohit Sharma
Rohit holds 7+ years of exprience in freelance blog writing. He is a Computer Science Engineer, but his love and passion for reading and writing about technology made him choose the path of freelance tech writing. Besides, he also holds 3+ years of experience in SEO editing and planning.